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Our mission is to increase the average skill level of everyone on the planet by an order of magnitude, while bridging the disconnect between education, interviewing, and job expectations.

Our team

Viria Vichit-Vadakan

Viria Vichit-Vadakan

Cofounder & CEO

  • Ex Product Marketing Manager at Meta
  • 10+ years experience in EdTech leading business and product teams
  • Founded leading Southeast Asia 4-year university bachelor's program
Viria Vichit-VadakanViria Vichit-VadakanViria Vichit-Vadakan
Christian Arredondo

Christian Arredondo

Cofounder & CTO

  • Ex Sr Software Engineer and Tech Lead at Meta–achieved top 1% rating and #1 engineering productivity
  • 7+ years of software engineering experience, with a focus on 0-to-1 products
Christian ArredondoChristian Arredondo

Backed by world-class investors

Neo Accelerator

We are early in our journey and backed by world-class investors as part of Neo Accelerator's 2024 cohort.

Our journey so far

  • Mid 2021: Viria and Christian meet at Meta
  • Late 2021: They build and launch their first product together at Meta--Community Shops--which was featured on TechCrunch
  • Mid 2022: They scale the product to millions of community members across Facebook Groups and Facebook Shops
  • Late 2022: Viria and Christian discover that they have a shared mission of building for economic mobility at scale, and a shared commitment to making a positive impact for others
  • Early 2023: They both leave Meta to work full-time on a startup together, without having a specific idea yet
  • Late 2023: After 200+ user interviews and several alpha tests, Viria and Christian converge onto the current idea of Teamups
  • Early 2024: Teamups is accepted into Neo Accelerator's 2024 cohort in the summer
  • Mid 2024 and beyond: Teamup's story continues to be written--stay tuned...
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